Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Signing & Expansion

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Research has shown that the more you talk to your baby the better it is for her speech and language development. Makes sense, right? But as busy {or just plain exhausted} moms and dads, we sometimes go about our days with our baby attached to our hip, just trying to put one foot in front of the other. Forget about talking to anyone, even the baby!

One benefit of signing, among others, is it will help you slow down and focus on interacting with your baby. Once the signs start coming, you will then know what your child is interested in and what he or she needs, instead of the mysterious point or squawk that could mean anything.

This leads to Expansion. Expansion is the lengthened response you give to your child's communication with you. For example:

Baby signs "cat."

Mom or Dad says: "Oh! You see a cat! It is such a pretty cat. Look, the cat has white fur with brown spots. Let's count the spots! 1, 2, 3...Should we pet the cat? Wow, feel how soft it is. Oh, the cat ran away! That cat is so fast!" Etc, etc. etc.

You see? You are expanding on your baby's initial communication. Take note of how often the word "cat" is used. Combine it with the sign for "cat" every time and you have just had a signing, speech, and language-rich experience about something your baby is interested in. Research has also shown that babies contain more when the subject is something they like.

This principle is true and important when you're baby starts talking as well--keep on expanding.  Also, because babies are able to sign before they can talk, these speech and language-rich experiences can happen earlier.

Remember, just because your baby is young and isn't giving you that clear, initial communication doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to him!

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