Saturday, December 15, 2012

Postpartum {via Lucie's List}: What you should know that no one tells you

Happy, Saturday. Oops. Better late than never, right?

I noticed my past few posts have been more toddler-related. Probably, because I have a toddler. But, I need to get into baby mode again because, as some of you may know, baby #2 is in the oven and will be here in a few short months (it goes by waaaay faster round two!). Anyways, it has been awhile since I gave birth so this was a good, but filled-me-with-slight-dread-reminder of what it's really like to have a baby and the first two months after. I wish I would have read this before I had my daughter.

When you hear birth stories or watch A Baby Story on TLC, it's all roses and sugar plum fairies dancing around you and your newborn child. I heard: "Giving birth and being a mom is the most amazing experience ever. You will love it. You might have a little postpartum depression, but it will be overshadowed by the pure happiness and love you will feel for your baby." Yes, there are those moments and they are wonderful and there is happiness and love. Like this:


I reaaaaally wish I would have read this article too! 

Because there are also moments like these:

image via 
image via. Her face. It's hilarious.

And she tells you all about these moments here: Lucie's List. Postpartum Experience

It's long and detailed. And the author has a bit of colorful language peppered through it. And she is blunt. But, I found my postpartum experience was quite similar to what she describes. She also incorporates some surveys she conducted on the topic. And, in my opinion, it's worth the read.

Am I a little hesitant to recommend this article? Yes. Only because I intend this blog to be about cheery,  G-rated things like cute babies and sunshine. But, I also intend this blog to be helpful and I think, for a first time mom especially, this would be extremely helpful baby preparation. But, just so you're not surprised, this article (compared to mine) is more PG/PG-13 rated.

It is true: having a baby is an amazing experience. Truly, there is nothing else like it and I don't want to knock it in any way. It's just nice to know about the not-so-amazing parts too for your own mental and emotional state's sake. So if you want to know the nitty-gritty details, click on the link!

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